What: A weekly scheduled program for all junior high (Gr. 6-8) students that includes games, various activities, snacks, and a bible study together. There are also various retreats throughout the year.
When: Thursday nights, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: 54 Benton Street, Kitchener
Why: To journey with junior high students in their walk with God. In Ignite Youth we will develop a foundation for students in their knowledge of Jesus and walk with students as they are ignited to go into their schools, communities, etc. as his ambassadors.

Goals for Ignite Youth
Ignite will be a safe environment for students in Grades 6-8 every Thursday evening. This will be done through weekly events at 54 Benton that provide a space where students feel loved, valued, can learn, and have a ton of fun
Ignite will provide a space for students to ask questions and explore aspects of their faith during weekly small group times, and 1 on 1 mentoring time with leaders once per week
Ignite will help in “igniting” a spiritual fire in the lives of students, by weekly Bible study, and will send students out each week with a deeper understanding of their purpose and how God will use them to glorify Him
Ignite will train students to be equipped to go into their schools and communities as Jesus’ ambassadors. This will be done through service projects once every two months, bible studies training them how to share the gospel, and weekly teaching about living a life that reflects the Good news of the Gospel. This is the goal as students transition after grade 8 and into high school.
For more information, please email Noah@unachurch.org
September 15 - Fall Kickoff w Games and Pizza!
September 22 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - Genesis: Creation - God spoke and created everything
September 29 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - Genesis: People - God created people to be like Him
October 6 - FEAR FACTOR: Bible Study - Genesis: Broken - Sin polluted God's perfect world
October 13 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - Genesis: Trust - We can trust God even when we don't understand
October 20 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - Genesis: Trust - We can trust God when things seem impossible
October 27 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - Genesis: Trust - We can trust God even when it seems ridiculous
November 3 - WORLD RECORDS NIGHT: Bible Study - Genesis: Trust - We can trust God to keep his promises
November 10 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - 1 Samuel: Help - God helps us see people the way he sees them
November 17 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - 1 Samuel: Help - God helps us be who he created us to be
November 24 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - 1 Samuel: Help - God helps us persevere in doing the right thing
December 1 - MINUTE TO WIN IT: Bible Study - 1 Samuel: Help - God helps us when we are sad
December 8 - Regular meeting: Bible Study - Luke: Hearing God - When we listen to God, we hear from Him
December 15 - Semi Formal Christmas Party!!!