In partnership with families, the youth ministry of UNA exists to engage all of the students under its care, helping them to discover their identity as a beloved child of God, helping them understand how to connect with God and experience His love, and sending them out as faithful witnesses, students of integrity who will transform their homes, their schools, their churches, their workplaces, and their worlds for Christ.
When: Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30pM
Where: 54 Benton St, Kitchener
Who: Anyone in Grades 6-12
Why: To help students ENCOUNTER God, ESTABLISH a relationship with Him, and be EQUIPPED to go out as ambassadors of Christ!

We are so excited for our Winter Retreat! February is closer than you think, and we want everyone to be able to join us for this amazing weekend away! For more information, click on the button below, FOR OUR SENIOR HIGH RETREAT - BLIZZARD 2025 (GRADES 8-12).
For more information about Una Youth, please email: noah@unachurch.org