As part of the Always Faithful series, Jared Siebert is Una's guest and is sharing about faithfulness in our times. Excerpted from Una's online gathering over zoom on May 31st, 2020.
Always Faithful - the story of Esther
As part of the Always Faithful series, Alanna shares the Old Testament story of Esther. Excerpted from Una's online gathering over zoom on May 24th, 2020
Click here to go directly to watch the Bible Project story of Esther video.
Conversation with David Fitch
This Sunday our online gathering welcomed a special guest - David Fitch, as we continues the Always Faithful series. We talked about what faithfulness looks like in the context of our communities, especially now.
David has an excellent book called Faithful Presence that presents many of the ideas that we'll be talking about. For a quick overview of the material, check out the synopsis video below.
David Fitch is the author of Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape the Church for Mission, and the recent The Church of Us Vs. Them: Freedom From a Faith That Feeds on Making Enemies. He is the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary Chicago, IL. He’s married to Rae Ann and they have one child, a son Max. He’s pastored and participated in many church plants including Life on the Vine Christian Community a missional church in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Most recently he and his family have joined Peace of Christ Church, Westmont, a church planted from Life on the Vine. He writes on the issues the local church must face in Mission including cultural engagement, leadership and theology. His theology combines Neo-Anabaptist streams of thought, his commitments to evangelicalism and his love for political theory.
Intro to Faithful Presence
This video presents a synopsis of David Fitch’s book Faithful Presence.
Always Faithful - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
As part of the Always Faithful series, Evan shares the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Excerpted from Una's online gathering over zoom on April 26th, 2020
Resources mentioned:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship
Always Faithful
Beginning this Sunday, we turn to stories of God's faithfulness to His church through the ages, and of God's people who remained faithful even when times were difficult.
We will also heard from Unites who are currently serving on the frontlines of the medical field. And as a special guest, Dr. James Robertson joined our gathering.
Dr. James Robertson is the Creative Producer of Online Learning & Adjunct Professor of Christian History at Tyndale Seminary. His areas of research are religion in war and cultural studies as they pertain to faith.Dr. Robertson has also published articles on the Crusades, missionary efforts in North America, pop culture’s impact on religion, and the histories of war and peace teachings in Christianity. He is a frequent speaker at both academic and popular conferences regarding the impact of religion on culture and vice versa.
Excepted from Una’s online gathering over zoom, April 19th 2020
Books Mentioned during the teaching time:
Julian of Norwich Revelations of Divine Love
Kate Bowler Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved
Brother Lawrence The Practice of the Presence of God